Varagu is Kodo Millet in Tamil. It falls under the category of small grains also called Siru Thaniyam in Tamil. It is an annual grain grown in India, Philippines Indonesia and Vietnam.It is estimated that this wonder grain is domesticated in India over 3000 years ago. It is a nice substitute for wheat or rice.It has an adequate fibre which prevents frequent hunger pangs.It is gluten free and has excellent source of minerals and vitamins. It has sufficient carbohydrates and is a tasty option to many dishes. This is vegan cereal and controls obesity and helps check diabetes under check.It also helps in healing wounds as well.I have Varagu Dosa already in my blog. This khichidi has lots of vegetables and is very good idea for breakfast. It is quite filling and keeps your tummy full for a long time. The process of cooking millets is itself an art. The correct proportion of water and time taken for cooking also is important.
I was quite reluctant as how this might turn out but it was a true comfort food. I could have this any time of the day. I am slowly becoming a fan of these millets and it is exciting to try out new recipes each day. If you avoid onions in this you could serve this during vrat or fasting days as well. These recipes are turning out to be surprising and interesting and the options and endless and you can simply try out as many recipes with rice and can substitute for millets of any type. You can even add a handful of moong dal to add to the taste. I had made coconut chutney to go with it but you can serve with any chutney of your choice. Check out my other millet recipes such as Samai Vella Puttu, Samai Payasam, Thinai Pongal ,Kuthraivali Upma etc.