Come summers,we all crave for juices and cool drinks and eat food that are cool and has lots of water content.It is becoming unusually hot here in Bangalore and the weatherman forecasts more heat.It is the first time I am experiencing this kind of hot weather here in the software capital of our country.I made lots of juices,milkshakes and smoothies this year to beat the heat and this tasty energetic tea with orange had been the best.It is an excellent cooler and revives your spirits almost immediately.Tea as we all know is a good anti-oxidant and reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack.It protects bones and boosts the immune system.Orange on the other hand has loads of C vitamins and when these are combined together,the drink becomes all the more healthy and nutritious.

So if you are really seeking a body with fitness and health and slim and enjoy the citrus burst of this caffeine free orange tea,try this recipe out.Refreshing orange infusion in the tea brings out the flavours and instantly energizes your body and mind.This can be had hot too without the addition of ices and the tea decoction while still hot is mixed with orange juice,just the way you make your lemon tea.So when you are choosing what to make to quench this summers thirst try out this Iced Orange Tea and let me know.

- Take the segments of orange from the fruit and keep it aside.
- Place them on a blender.
- Extract the juice.
- Sieve to get clear juice.
- Keep the juice ready for future use.
- In a pan of boling water add tea leaves.
- Boil well and allow it to brew for 2 minutes.
- Sieve the tea decoction with the help of a strainer.
- Add sugar and mix well.
- Allow the tea to get cool.Add orange juice now.
- Orange tea is ready.
- While serving pour the mixture to a glass and top it with ice cubes and orange segments.
You can add fresh mint leaves at the time of serving.
You can add cinnamon powder too while brewing the tea.
Adding honey in place of sugar also enhances the flavour.