Jamun Fruit or Naval Pazham as it is called in Tamil ,is one of tastiest fruits I have had during my growing years.There was one tree of this fruit in our neighbour’s house and during season we also got a good share of the tasty fruit.It tastes great when sprinkled with plain salt.When I visited New Delhi last month I bought a kilo of jamun fruit. MIL has diabetes and as we all know jamun fruit is good for diabetic patients.I buy for her B nature jamun juice regularly, but this time since we had this fruit at home,I thought I will make some juice with it.Jamun also helps in bone development, immunity and aids in digestion.So what are you waiting for?Jamun season is at it’s peak, so try out some juice and enjoy glass of health.

- Wash and pat dry jamun fruit.
- Remove the seeds and chop them and keep it ready.
- Put the cut fruit pieces in a blender and adding water.
- Extract juice.
- Add sugar and black salt
- Blend to get a smooth liquid.Sieve to remove any pieces
- Jamun juice is ready to be relished
- Serve immediately.Add ice cubes if you want.
Add chaat masala for more taste.
You can add some ginger while extracting juice.This will give a nice flavour to the juice.
Add honey and avoid sugar if you want.
wow!what a recipe! i want to do that too! making a java plum juice! waoooow!
Thank you
waaaaow!what a Recipe. i want to do this recipe toooo! i like this jamun juice recipe! i want to drink this java plum juice! noooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
Thank you. Do try it out.
what is a blender? is blender=to a mixer?
Yes, it is.