I started this blog just for my satisfaction and to share with you all,recipes which i have learnt and tried in my kitchen.I was so fortunate enough to get my recipes and interviews published in various tamil magazines and english papers,I have made a small mention here in this page about my Media Mentions.
1.My 25 recipes was published in the Tamil Magazine Malligai Magal MAY 2015 issue under the heading Top 25 Summer Snacks.

2.My interview alongwith a recipe from my blog was published in Kumudham Snehidhi,a populat Tamil Magazine on 28-5 2015 issue.

3.My 30 Soya Recipes was published in leading Tamil Magazine Kungumam Thozhi May 16-31issue.

4.My 25 tips regarding questionare about cooking was published in the Tamil Magazine Malligai Malar’s Once in a three month publication Nalla Sappadu.

5.My recipe of Arisi Vella Puttu was published in Chennai edition of the leading newspaper on 9th OCT 2015.

6.My recipe of Soya Idli with an elaborate intrerview of mine was published in the Bangalore edition of Deccan Herald dated OCT 27, 2015.

7.My collection of 30 sweets and savouries was published in the leading Tamil Magazine Ladies Special NOV 2015 issue.

8.My collection of Kuzhambu Recipes was published in Malligai Malar’s once in a three month publication Nalla Sappadu.