Diwali Snacks, Indian Festival Recipes, Medium, Snacks


This is an easy snack recipe made during diwali at almost all homes.It requires less time to prepare and very easy to make.I make this once in a month since my hubby likes it very much.Amongst the various varieties of snacks that i make now and then i like to make this very much as the squeezing of the dough is very easy in this recipe. It was a long time since i made this and so thought will post as well.If you are preparing a large quantity make in batches and knead the dough fresh each time to ensure…

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Medium, Rasam, Rice Accompaniments


Rasam as we all know is served as the second course next to sambhar or any other thick gravy,is a slightly thin soup. Rasam is usually made from tamarind pulp and a mixture of spices.This veppampoo rasam is made of neem leaves.Though the leaves have a bitter taste you won’t feel it when roasted.We make it once a week in our house.Neem leaves are good for diabetes and certain stomch disorders.Nowadays neem leaves are available in the market,but those having neem leaves in their backyard have dual benefits.Both neem leaves and fresh air will fill their homes.Let’s see how it…

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Authentic Brahmin Recipe, Medium, Rice Accompaniments, Traditional Recipes


This recipe is known to all Tamil brahmin households and it comes under the category of kootu/stew.Why it got it’s name i don’t have the slightest clue, but I presume it’s because of the juicy texture the brinjal imparts to the gravy. It is a favourite dish of both my husband and my dad.This can be made using white pumpkin aka ash gourd.It can be used as a side dish or can mix it with rice.There are various brinjals available in the market, long ones round ones which are green or purple.You can use use any of these.I have used…

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Authentic Brahmin Recipe, Breakfast Recipes, Dinner recipes, Medium, Neiveidhyam Recipes, Ovo Vegetarian, Tiffin, Traditional Recipes, Vegetarian, Vrat Recipes


When holidays come me and my brother would be jumping with joy to visit my grandparents at Chennai. Each year along with my parents bro and i would start from New Delhi and spend 2 full months at grandparents place. All uncles and aunts would be there to pamper us and we got more than what we wanted.Those days!!!!This recipe i learnt from my grandma you used to make it during her fasting days.When i got married my MlL also used to make this and this became a regular feature in my house.My hubby likes the savory version and daughter…

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